
An open-source framework for large language model evaluations


Welcome to Inspect, a framework for large language model evaluations created by the UK AI Safety Institute.

Inspect provides many built-in components, including facilities for prompt engineering, tool usage, multi-turn dialog, and model graded evaluations. Extensions to Inspect (e.g. to support new elicitation and scoring techniques) can be provided by other Python packages.

Inspect running inside Visual Studio Code. The editor shows the ARC evaluation and the log viewer at right shows results from the evaluation.

We’ll walk through a fairly trivial “Hello, Inspect” example below. Read on to learn the basics, then read the documentation on Workflow, Solvers, Tools, Scorers, Datasets, and Models to learn how to create more advanced evaluations.

Getting Started

First, install Inspect with:

$ pip install inspect-ai

To develop and run evaluations, you’ll also need access to a model, which typically requires installation of a Python package as well as ensuring that the appropriate API key is available in the environment.

Assuming you had written an evaluation in a script named, here’s how you would setup and run the eval for a few different model providers:

$ pip install openai
$ export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-openai-api-key
$ inspect eval --model openai/gpt-4
$ pip install anthropic
$ export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your-anthropic-api-key
$ inspect eval --model anthropic/claude-3-opus-20240229
$ pip install google-generativeai
$ export GOOGLE_API_KEY=your-google-api-key
$ inspect eval --model google/gemini-1.0-pro
$ pip install mistralai
$ export MISTRAL_API_KEY=your-mistral-api-key
$ inspect eval --model mistral/mistral-large-latest
$ pip install torch transformers
$ export HF_TOKEN=your-hf-token
$ inspect eval --model hf/meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf
$ pip install vllm
$ inspect eval --model vllm/meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf
$ pip install openai
$ export TOGETHER_API_KEY=your-together-api-key
$ inspect eval --model together/Qwen/Qwen1.5-72B-Chat

In addition to the model providers shown above, Inspect also supports models hosted on Azure AI, AWS Bedrock, Groq, and Cloudflare, as well as local models with Ollama. See the documentation on Models for additional details.

Hello, Inspect

Inspect evaluations have three main components:

  1. Datasets contain a set of labelled samples. Datasets are typically just a table with input and target columns, where input is a prompt and target is either literal value(s) or grading guidance.

  2. Solvers are chained together to evaluate the input in the dataset and produce a final result. The most elemental solver, generate(), just calls the model with a prompt and collects the output. Other solvers might do prompt engineering, multi-turn dialog, critique, or provide an agent scaffold.

  3. Scorers evaluate the final output of solvers. They may use text comparisons, model grading, or other custom schemes

Let’s take a look at a simple evaluation that aims to see how models perform on the Sally-Anne test, which assesses the ability of a person to infer false beliefs in others. Here are some samples from the dataset:

input target
Jackson entered the hall. Chloe entered the hall. The boots is in the bathtub. Jackson exited the hall. Jackson entered the dining_room. Chloe moved the boots to the pantry. Where was the boots at the beginning? bathtub
Hannah entered the patio. Noah entered the patio. The sweater is in the bucket. Noah exited the patio. Ethan entered the study. Ethan exited the study. Hannah moved the sweater to the pantry. Where will Hannah look for the sweater? pantry

Here’s the code for the evaluation (click on the numbers at right for further explanation):
from inspect_ai import Task, task
from inspect_ai.dataset import example_dataset
from inspect_ai.scorer import model_graded_fact
from inspect_ai.solver import (               
  prompt_template, generate, self_critique   


def theory_of_mind():
    return Task(
The Task object brings together the dataset, solvers, and scorer, and is then evaluated using a model.
In this example we are chaining together three standard solver components. It’s also possible to create a more complex custom solver that manages state and interactions internally.
Since the output is likely to have pretty involved language, we use a model for scoring.

Note that you can provide a single solver or multiple solvers chained together as we did here.

The @task decorator applied to the theory_of_mind() function is what enables inspect eval to find and run the eval in the source file passed to it. For example, here we run the eval against GPT-4:

$ inspect eval --model openai/gpt-4

The Inspect task results displayed in the terminal. A progress bar indicates that the evaluation is about 60% complete.

This example demonstrates evals being run from the terminal with the inspect eval command. There is also an eval() function which can be used for exploratory work—this is covered further in Workflow.

Evaluation Logs

By default, eval logs are written to the ./logs sub-directory of the current working directory. When the eval is complete you will find a link to the log at the bottom of the task results summary.

You can also explore eval results using the Inspect log viewer. Run inspect view to open the viewer (you only need to do this once as the viewer will automatically updated when new evals are run):

$ inspect view

The Inspect log viewer, displaying a summary of results for the task as well as 7 individual samples.

See the Log Viewer section for additional details on using Inspect View.

Tasks and Solvers

While tasks always include a default solver, you can also vary the solver to explore other strategies and elicitation techniques.

Solver Roles

In the example above we combined together several solvers into a composite solver. This illustrates the fact that there are two distinct roles that solvers can play in the system:

  1. As a composite end-to-end specification of how to solve a task.

  2. As a component that is chained together with other solvers to create a composite solver;

Some solvers are capable of playing both roles. For example, generate() is a complete end-to-end solver (albeit a simple one) but is often also used as a component within other solvers.

Solver Functions

The most convenient way to create a composite solver is to define a @solver decorated function that returns a chain of other solvers. For example, imagine we have written a tree_of_thought module that we want to use to create an additional solver. We can re-write the task to have multiple solver functions (where critique is used as the default):
from inspect_ai import Task, task
from inspect_ai.dataset import example_dataset
from inspect_ai.scorer import model_graded_fact
from inspect_ai.solver import (               
  solver, chain, prompt_template, generate, self_critique


from tree_of_thought import TREE_PROMPT, generate_tree

def critique():
    return chain(

def tree_of_thought():
    return chain(

def theory_of_mind():
    return Task(  

Note that we use the chain() function to combine mutliple solvers into a composite one.

You can switch between solvers when running the evaluation:

# run with the default solver (critique)
$ inspect eval --model=openai/gpt-4

# run with the tree of thought solver
$ inspect eval --solver=tree_of_thought --model=openai/gpt-4

Composite solvers by no means need to be implemented using chains. While chains are frequently used in more straightforward knowledge and reasoning evaluations, fully custom solver functions are often used for multi-turn dialog and agent evaluations.

Eval from Python

Above we demonstrated using inspect eval from CLI to run evaluations—you can perform all of the same operations from directly within Python using the eval() function. For example:

from inspect_ai import eval

eval(theory_of_mind(), model="openai/gpt-4o")
eval(theory_of_mind(), solver=tree_of_thought(), model="openai/gpt-4o")

Learning More

The best way to get familar with Inspect’s core features is the Tutorial, which includes several annotated examples.

Next, review these articles which cover basic workflow, more sophisticated examples, and additional useful tooling:

  • Workflow covers the mechanics of running evaluations, including how to create evals in both scripts and notebooks, specifying configuration and options, how to parameterise tasks for different scenarios, and how to work with eval log files.

  • Examples demonstrates a variety of evaluation types and techniques by implementing some popular LLM benchmarks and papers.

  • Log Viewer goes into more depth on how to use Inspect View to develop and debug evaluations, including how to provide additional log metadata and how to integrate it with Python’s standard logging module.

  • VS Code provides documentation on using the Inspect VS Code Extension to run, tune, debug, and visualise evaluations.

These sections provide a more in depth treatment of the various components used in evals. Read them as required as you learn to build evaluations.

  • Solvers are the heart of Inspect, and encompass prompt engineering and various other elicitation strategies (the plan in the example above). Here we cover using the built-in solvers and creating your own more sophisticated ones.

  • Tools provide a means of extending the capabilities of models by registering Python functions for them to call. This section describes how to create custom tools and use them in evaluations.

  • Agents combine planning, memory, and tool usage to pursue more complex, longer horizon tasks. This section describes how to build agent evaluations with Inspect.

  • Scorers evaluate the work of solvers and aggregate scores into metrics. Sophisticated evals often require custom scorers that use models to evaluate output. This section covers how to create them.

  • Datasets provide samples to evaluation tasks. This section illustrates how to adapt various data sources for use with Inspect, as well as how to include multi-modal data (images, etc.) in your datasets.

  • Models provide a uniform API for both evaluating a variety of large language models and using models within evaluations (e.g. for critique or grading).

These sections discuss more advanced features and workflow. You don’t need to review them at the outset, but be sure to revisit them as you get more comfortable with the basics.

  • Eval Sets covers Inspect’s features for describing, running, and analysing larger sets of evaluation tasks.

  • Caching enables you to cache model output to reduce the number of API calls made, saving both time and expense.

  • Parallelism delves into how to obtain maximum performance for evaluations. Inspect uses a highly parallel async architecture—here we cover how to tune this parallelism (e.g to stay under API rate limits or to not overburden local compute) for optimal throughput.

  • Eval Logs explores how to get the most out of evaluation logs for developing, debugging, and analyzing evaluations.

  • Extensions describes the various ways you can extend Inspect, including adding support for new Model APIs, tool execution environments, and storage platforms (for datasets, prompts, and logs).