By default, model tool calls are executed within the main process running the evaluation task. In some cases however, you may require the provisioning of dedicated environments for running tool code. This might be the case if:
You are creating tools that enable execution of arbitrary code (e.g. a tool that executes shell commands or Python code).
You need to provision per-sample filesystem resources.
You want to provide access to a more sophisticated evaluation environment (e.g. creating network hosts for a cybersecurity eval).
To accomodate these scenarios, Inspect provides support for sandboxing, which typically involves provisioning containers for tools to execute code within. Support for Docker sandboxes is built in, and the Extension API enables the creation of additional sandbox types.
Example: File Listing
Let’s take a look at a simple example to illustrate. First, we’ll define a list_files()
tool. This tool need to access the ls
command—it does so by calling the sandbox() function to get access to the SandboxEnvironment instance for the currently executing Sample:
from inspect_ai.tool import ToolError, tool
from inspect_ai.util import sandbox
def list_files():
async def execute(dir: str):
"""List the files in a directory.
dir (str): Directory
File listing of the directory
= await sandbox().exec(["ls", dir])
result if result.success:
return result.stdout
raise ToolError(result.stderr)
return execute
The exec()
function is used to list the directory contents. Note that its not immediately clear where or how exec()
is implemented (that will be described shortly!).
Here’s an evaluation that makes use of this tool:
from inspect_ai import task, Task
from inspect_ai.dataset import Sample
from inspect_ai.scorer import includes
from inspect_ai.solver import generate, use_tools
= [
Sample(input='Is there a file named "bar.txt" '
+ 'in the current directory?',
target={"bar.txt": "hello"},
def file_probe()
return Task(
) )
We’ve included sandbox="docker"
to indicate that sandbox environment operations should be executed in a Docker container. Specifying a sandbox environment (either at the task or evaluation level) is required if your tools call the sandbox() function.
Note that files
are specified as part of the Sample. Files can be specified inline using plain text (as depicted above), inline using a base64-encoded data URI, or as a path to a file or remote resource (e.g. S3 bucket). Relative file paths are resolved according to the location of the underlying dataset file.
Environment Interface
The following instance methods are available to tools that need to interact with a SandboxEnvironment:
class SandboxEnvironment:
async def exec(
cmd: input: str | bytes | None = None,
str | None = None,
cwd: dict[str, str] = {},
env: str | None = None,
user: int | None = None,
timeout: bool = True
timeout_retry: -> ExecResult[str]:
) """
TimeoutError: If the specified `timeout` expires.
UnicodeDecodeError: If an error occurs while
decoding the command output.
PermissionError: If the user does not have
permission to execute the command.
OutputLimitExceededError: If an output stream
exceeds the 10 MiB limit.
async def write_file(
self, file: str, contents: str | bytes
-> None:
) """
PermissionError: If the user does not have
permission to write to the specified path.
IsADirectoryError: If the file exists already and
is a directory.
async def read_file(
self, file: str, text: bool = True
-> Union[str | bytes]:
) """
FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist.
UnicodeDecodeError: If an encoding error occurs
while reading the file.
(only applicable when `text = True`)
PermissionError: If the user does not have
permission to read from the specified path.
IsADirectoryError: If the file is a directory.
OutputLimitExceededError: If the file size
exceeds the 100 MiB limit.
async def connection(self) -> SandboxConnection:
NotImplementedError: For sandboxes that don't provide connections
ConnectionError: If sandbox is not currently running.
The read_file()
method should preserve newline constructs (e.g. crlf should be preserved not converted to lf). This is equivalent to specifying newline=""
in a call to the Python open()
function. Note that write_file()
automatically creates parent directories as required if they don’t exist.
The connection()
method is optional, and provides commands that can be used to login to the sandbox container from a terminal or IDE.
Note that to deal with potential unreliability of container services, the exec()
method includes a timeout_retry
parameter that defaults to True
. For sandbox implementations this parameter is advisory (they should only use it if potential unreliablity exists in their runtime). No more than 2 retries should be attempted and both with timeouts less than 60 seconds. If you are executing commands that are not idempotent (i.e. the side effects of a failed first attempt may affect the results of subsequent attempts) then you can specify timeout_retry=False
to override this behavior.
For each method there is a documented set of errors that are raised: these are expected errors and can either be caught by tools or allowed to propagate in which case they will be reported to the model for potential recovery. In addition, unexpected errors may occur (e.g. a networking error connecting to a remote container): these errors are not reported to the model and fail the Sample with an error state.
The sandbox is also available to custom scorers.
Environment Binding
There are two sandbox environments built in to Inspect:
Environment Type | Description |
local |
Run sandbox() methods in the same file system as the running evaluation (should only be used if you are already running your evaluation in another sandbox). |
docker |
Run sandbox() methods within a Docker container (see the Docker Configuration section below for additional details). |
Sandbox environment definitions can be bound at the Sample, Task, or eval() level. Binding precedence goes from eval(), to Task to Sample, however sandbox config files defined on the Sample always take precedence when the sandbox type for the Sample is the same as the enclosing Task or eval().
Here is a Task that defines a sandbox
use_tools([read_file(), list_files()])),
sandbox )
By default, any Dockerfile
and/or compose.yaml
file within the task directory will be automatically discovered and used. If your compose file has a different name then you can provide an override specification as follows:
=("docker", "attacker-compose.yaml") sandbox
Per Sample Setup
The Sample class includes sandbox
, files
and setup
fields that are used to specify per-sample sandbox config, file assets, and setup logic.
You can either define a default sandbox
for an entire Task as illustrated above, or alternatively define a per-sample sandbox
. For example, you might want to do this if each sample has its own Dockerfile and/or custom compose configuration file. (Note, each sample gets its own sandbox instance, even if the sandbox is defined at Task level. So samples do not interfere with each other’s sandboxes.)
The sandbox
can be specified as a string (e.g. "docker
“) or a tuple of sandbox type and config file (e.g. ("docker", "compose.yaml")
Sample files
is a dict[str,str]
that specifies files to copy into sandbox environments. The key of the dict
specifies the name of the file to write. By default files are written into the default sandbox environment but they can optionally include a prefix indicating that they should be written into a specific sandbox environment (e.g. "victim:flag.txt": "flag.txt"
The value of the dict
can be either the file contents, a file path, or a base64 encoded Data URL.
If there is a Sample setup
bash script it will be executed within the default sandbox environment after any Sample files
are copied into the environment. The setup
field can be either the script contents, a file path containing the script, or a base64 encoded Data URL.
Docker Configuration
Before using Docker sandbox environments, please be sure to install Docker Engine (version 24.0.7 or greater).
You can use the Docker sandbox enviornment without any special configuration, however most commonly you’ll provide explicit configuration via either a Dockerfile
or a Docker Compose configuration file (compose.yaml
Here is how Docker sandbox environments are created based on the presence of Dockerfile
and/or compose.yml
in the task directory:
Config Files | Behavior |
None | Creates a sandbox environment based on the official python:3.12-bookworm image. |
Dockerfile |
Creates a sandbox environment by building the image. |
compose.yaml |
Creates sandbox environment(s) based on compose.yaml . |
Providing a compose.yaml
is not strictly required, as Inspect will automatically generate one as needed. Note that the automatically generated compose file will restrict internet access by default, so if your evaluations require this you’ll need to provide your own compose.yaml
Here’s an example of a compose.yaml
file that sets container resource limits and isolates it from all network interactions including internet access:
build: .
init: true
command: tail -f /dev/null
cpus: 1.0
mem_limit: 0.5gb
network_mode: none
The init: true
entry enables the container to respond to shutdown requests. The command
is provided to prevent the container from exiting after it starts.
Here is what a simple compose.yaml
would look like for a local pre-built image named ctf-agent-environment
(resource and network limits excluded for brevity):
image: ctf-agent-environment
x-local: true
init: true
command: tail -f /dev/null
The ctf-agent-environment
is not an image that exists on a remote registry, so we add the x-local: true
to indicate that it should not be pulled. If local images are tagged, they also will not be pulled by default (so x-local: true
is not required). For example:
image: ctf-agent-environment:1.0.0
init: true
command: tail -f /dev/null
If we are using an image from a remote registry we similarly don’t need to include x-local
image: python:3.12-bookworm
init: true
command: tail -f /dev/null
See the Docker Compose documentation for information on all available container options.
Multiple Environments
In some cases you may want to create multiple sandbox environments (e.g. if one environment has complex dependencies that conflict with the dependencies of other environments). To do this specify multiple named services:
image: ctf-agent-environment
x-local: true
init: true
cpus: 1.0
mem_limit: 0.5gb
image: ctf-victim-environment
x-local: true
init: true
cpus: 1.0
mem_limit: 1gb
The first environment listed is the “default” environment, and can be accessed from within a tool with a normal call to sandbox(). Other environments would be accessed by name, for example:
# default sandbox environment
sandbox() "victim") # named sandbox environment sandbox(
If you define multiple sandbox environments you are required to name one of them “default” so that Inspect knows which environment to resolve for calls to sandbox() without an argument. Alternatively, you can add the x-default
key to a service not named “default” to designate it as the default sandbox.
Note that in many cases you’ll want to provision additional infrastructure (e.g. other hosts or volumes). For example, here we define an additional container (“writer”) as well as a volume shared between the default container and the writer container:
image: ctf-agent-environment
x-local: true
init: true
- ctf-challenge-volume:/shared-data
image: ctf-challenge-writer
x-local: true
init: true
- ctf-challenge-volume:/shared-data
See the documentation on Docker Compose files for information on their full schema and feature set.
Sample Metadata
You might want to interpolate Sample metadata into your Docker compose files. You can do this using the standard compose environment variable syntax, where any metadata in the Sample is made available with a SAMPLE_METADATA_
prefix. For example, you might have a per-sample memory limit (with a default value of 0.5gb if unspecified):
image: ctf-agent-environment
x-local: true
init: true
cpus: 1.0
Note that -
suffix that provides the default value of 0.5gb. This is important to include so that when the compose file is read without the context of a Sample (for example, when pulling/building images at startup) that a default value is available.
Environment Cleanup
When a task is completed, Inspect will automatically cleanup resources associated with the sandbox environment (e.g. containers, images, and networks). If for any reason resources are not cleaned up (e.g. if the cleanup itself is interrupted via Ctrl+C) you can globally cleanup all environments with the inspect sandbox cleanup
command. For example, here we cleanup all environments associated with the docker
$ inspect sandbox cleanup docker
In some cases you may prefer not to cleanup environments. For example, you might want to examine their state interactively from the shell in order to debug an agent. Use the --no-sandbox-cleanup
argument to do this:
$ inspect eval --no-sandbox-cleanup
You can also do this when using eval(
eval("", sandbox_cleanup = False)
When you do this, you’ll see a list of sandbox containers printed out which includes the ID of each container. You can then use this ID to get a shell inside one of the containers:
docker exec -it inspect-task-ielnkhh-default-1 bash -l
When you no longer need the environments, you can clean them up either all at once or individually:
# cleanup all environments
inspect sandbox cleanup docker
# cleanup single environment
inspect sandbox cleanup docker inspect-task-ielnkhh-default-1
Resource Management
Creating and executing code within Docker containers can be expensive both in terms of memory and CPU utilisation. Inspect provides some automatic resource management to keep usage reasonable in the default case. This section describes that behaviour as well as how you can tune it for your use-cases.
Max Sandboxes
The max_sandboxes
option determines how many sandboxes can be executed in parallel. Individual sandbox providers can establish their own default limits (for example, the Docker provider has a default of 2 * os.cpu_count()
). You can modify this option as required, but be aware that container runtimes have resource limits, and pushing up against and beyond them can lead to instability and failed evaluations.
When a max_sandboxes
is applied, an indicator at the bottom of the task status screen will be shown:
Note that when max_sandboxes
is applied this effectively creates a global max_samples
limit that is equal to the max_sandboxes
Max Subprocesses
The max_subprocesses
option determines how many subprocess calls can run in parallel. By default, this is set to os.cpu_count()
. Depending on the nature of execution done inside sandbox environments, you might benefit from increasing or decreasing max_subprocesses
Max Samples
Another consideration is max_samples
, which is the maximum number of samples to run concurrently within a task. Larger numbers of concurrent samples will result in higher throughput, but will also result in completed samples being written less frequently to the log file, and consequently less total recovable samples in the case of an interrupted task.
By default, Inspect sets the value of max_samples
to max_connections + 1
(note that it would rarely make sense to set it lower than max_connections
). The default max_connections
is 10, which will typically result in samples being written to the log frequently. On the other hand, setting a very large max_connections
(e.g. 100 max_connections
for a dataset with 100 samples) may result in very few recoverable samples in the case of an interruption.
If your task involves tool calls and/or sandboxes, then you will likely want to set max_samples
to greater than max_connections
, as your samples will sometimes be calling the model (using up concurrent connections) and sometimes be executing code in the sandbox (using up concurrent subprocess calls). While running tasks you can see the utilization of connections and subprocesses in realtime and tune your max_samples
Container Resources
Use a compose.yaml
file to limit the resources consumed by each running container. For example:
image: ctf-agent-environment
x-local: true
command: tail -f /dev/null
cpus: 1.0
mem_limit: 0.5gb
To diagnose sandbox execution issues (e.g. commands that don’t terminate properly, contianer lifecylce issues, etc.) you should use Inspect’s Tracing facility.
Trace logs record the beginning and end of calls to subprocess() (e.g. tool calls that run commands in sandboxes) as well as control commands sent to Docker Compose. The inspect trace anomalies
subcommand then enables you to query for commands that don’t terminate, timeout, or have errors. See the article on Tracing for additional details.