


Read dataset from CSV file.

def csv_dataset(
    csv_file: str,
    sample_fields: FieldSpec | RecordToSample | None = None,
    auto_id: bool = False,
    shuffle: bool = False,
    seed: int | None = None,
    shuffle_choices: bool | int | None = None,
    limit: int | None = None,
    dialect: str = "unix",
    encoding: str = "utf-8",
    name: str | None = None,
    fs_options: dict[str, Any] = {},
    fieldnames: list[str] | None = None,
    delimiter: str = ",",
) -> Dataset
csv_file str

Path to CSV file. Can be a local filesystem path, a path to an S3 bucket (e.g. “s3://my-bucket”), or an HTTPS URL. Use fs_options to pass arguments through to the S3FileSystem constructor.

sample_fields FieldSpec | RecordToSample | None

Method of mapping underlying fields in the data source to Sample objects. Pass None if the data is already stored in Sample form (i.e. has “input” and “target” columns.); Pass a FieldSpec to specify mapping fields by name; Pass a RecordToSample to handle mapping with a custom function that returns one or more samples.

auto_id bool

Assign an auto-incrementing ID for each sample.

shuffle bool

Randomly shuffle the dataset order.

seed int | None

Seed used for random shuffle.

shuffle_choices bool | int | None

Whether to shuffle the choices. If an int is passed, this will be used as the seed when shuffling.

limit int | None

Limit the number of records to read.

dialect str

CSV dialect (“unix”, “excel” or”excel-tab”). Defaults to “unix”. See for more details

encoding str

Text encoding for file (defaults to “utf-8”).

name str | None

Optional name for dataset (for logging). If not specified, defaults to the stem of the filename

fs_options dict[str, Any]

Optional. Additional arguments to pass through to the filesystem provider (e.g. S3FileSystem). Use {"anon": True } if you are accessing a public S3 bucket with no credentials.

fieldnames list[str] | None

Optional. A list of fieldnames to use for the CSV. If None, the values in the first row of the file will be used as the fieldnames. Useful for files without a header.

delimiter str

Optional. The delimiter to use when parsing the file. Defaults to “,”.


Read dataset from a JSON file.

Read a dataset from a JSON file containing an array of objects, or from a JSON Lines file containing one object per line. These objects may already be formatted as Sample instances, or may require some mapping using the sample_fields argument.

def json_dataset(
    json_file: str,
    sample_fields: FieldSpec | RecordToSample | None = None,
    auto_id: bool = False,
    shuffle: bool = False,
    seed: int | None = None,
    shuffle_choices: bool | int | None = None,
    limit: int | None = None,
    encoding: str = "utf-8",
    name: str | None = None,
    fs_options: dict[str, Any] = {},
) -> Dataset
json_file str

Path to JSON file. Can be a local filesystem path or a path to an S3 bucket (e.g. “s3://my-bucket”). Use fs_options to pass arguments through to the S3FileSystem constructor.

sample_fields FieldSpec | RecordToSample | None

Method of mapping underlying fields in the data source to Sample objects. Pass None if the data is already stored in Sample form (i.e. object with “input” and “target” fields); Pass a FieldSpec to specify mapping fields by name; Pass a RecordToSample to handle mapping with a custom function that returns one or more samples.

auto_id bool

Assign an auto-incrementing ID for each sample.

shuffle bool

Randomly shuffle the dataset order.

seed int | None

Seed used for random shuffle.

shuffle_choices bool | int | None

Whether to shuffle the choices. If an int is passed, this will be used as the seed when shuffling.

limit int | None

Limit the number of records to read.

encoding str

Text encoding for file (defaults to “utf-8”).

name str | None

Optional name for dataset (for logging). If not specified, defaults to the stem of the filename.

fs_options dict[str, Any]

Optional. Additional arguments to pass through to the filesystem provider (e.g. S3FileSystem). Use {"anon": True } if you are accessing a public S3 bucket with no credentials.


Datasets read using the Hugging Face datasets package.

The hf_dataset function supports reading datasets using the Hugging Face datasets package, including remote datasets on Hugging Face Hub.

def hf_dataset(
    path: str,
    split: str,
    name: str | None = None,
    data_dir: str | None = None,
    revision: str | None = None,
    sample_fields: FieldSpec | RecordToSample | None = None,
    auto_id: bool = False,
    shuffle: bool = False,
    seed: int | None = None,
    shuffle_choices: bool | int | None = None,
    limit: int | None = None,
    trust: bool = False,
    cached: bool = True,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Dataset
path str

Path or name of the dataset. Depending on path, the dataset builder that is used comes from a generic dataset script (JSON, CSV, Parquet, text etc.) or from the dataset script (a python file) inside the dataset directory.

split str

Which split of the data to load.

name str | None

Name of the dataset configuration.

data_dir str | None

data_dir of the dataset configuration to read data from.

revision str | None

Specific revision to load (e.g. “main”, a branch name, or a specific commit SHA). When using revision the cached option is ignored and datasets are revalidated on Hugging Face before loading.

sample_fields FieldSpec | RecordToSample | None

Method of mapping underlying fields in the data source to Sample objects. Pass None if the data is already stored in Sample form (i.e. has “input” and “target” columns.); Pass a FieldSpec to specify mapping fields by name; Pass a RecordToSample to handle mapping with a custom function that returns one or more samples.

auto_id bool

Assign an auto-incrementing ID for each sample.

shuffle bool

Randomly shuffle the dataset order.

seed int | None

Seed used for random shuffle.

shuffle_choices bool | int | None

Whether to shuffle the choices. If an int is passed, this will be used as the seed when shuffling.

limit int | None

Limit the number of records to read.

trust bool

Whether or not to allow for datasets defined on the Hub using a dataset script. This option should only be set to True for repositories you trust and in which you have read the code, as it will execute code present on the Hub on your local machine.

cached bool

By default, datasets are read once from HuggingFace Hub and then cached for future reads. Pass cached=False to force re-reading the dataset from Hugging Face. Ignored when the revision option is specified.

**kwargs Any

Additional arguments to pass through to the load_dataset function of the datasets package.



Sample for an evaluation task.

class Sample(BaseModel)


input str | list[ChatMessage]

The input to be submitted to the model.

choices list[str] | None

List of available answer choices (used only for multiple-choice evals).

target str | list[str]

Ideal target output. May be a literal value or narrative text to be used by a model grader.

id int | str | None

Unique identifier for sample.

metadata dict[str, Any] | None

Arbitrary metadata associated with the sample.

sandbox SandboxEnvironmentSpec | None

Sandbox environment type and optional config file.

files dict[str, str] | None

Files that go along with the sample (copied to SandboxEnvironment)

setup str | None

Setup script to run for sample (run within default SandboxEnvironment).



Create a Sample.

def __init__(
    input: str | list[ChatMessage],
    choices: list[str] | None = None,
    target: str | list[str] = "",
    id: int | str | None = None,
    metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    sandbox: SandboxEnvironmentType | None = None,
    files: dict[str, str] | None = None,
    setup: str | None = None,
) -> None
input str | list[ChatMessage]

The input to be submitted to the model.

choices list[str] | None

Optional. List of available answer choices (used only for multiple-choice evals).

target str | list[str]

Optional. Ideal target output. May be a literal value or narrative text to be used by a model grader.

id int | str | None

Optional. Unique identifier for sample.

metadata dict[str, Any] | None

Optional. Arbitrary metadata associated with the sample. sandbox (SandboxEnvironmentType | None): Sandbox environment type (or optionally a str or tuple with a shorthand spec)

sandbox SandboxEnvironmentType | None

Optional. Sandbox specification for this sample.

files dict[str, str] | None

Optional. Files that go along with the sample (copied to SandboxEnvironment). Files can be paths, inline text, or inline binary (base64 encoded data URL).

setup str | None

Optional. Setup script to run for sample (run within default SandboxEnvironment).


Metadata as a Pydantic model.

def metadata_as(self, metadata_cls: Type[MT]) -> MT
metadata_cls Type[MT]

BaseModel derived class.


Specification for mapping data source fields to sample fields.

class FieldSpec


input str

Name of the field containing the sample input.

target str

Name of the field containing the sample target.

choices str

Name of field containing the list of answer choices.

id str

Unique identifier for the sample.

metadata list[str] | Type[BaseModel] | None

List of additional field names that should be read as metadata.

sandbox str

Sandbox type along with optional config file.

files str

Files that go along wtih the sample.

setup str

Setup script to run for sample (run within default SandboxEnvironment).


Callable that maps raw dictionary record to a Sample.

RecordToSample = Callable[[DatasetRecord], Sample | list[Sample]]


A sequence of Sample objects.

Datasets provide sequential access (via conventional indexes or slicing) to a collection of Sample objects.

class Dataset(Sequence[Sample], abc.ABC)



Sort the dataset (in place) in ascending order and return None.

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The key function defaults to measuring the length of the sample’s input field.

def sort(
    reverse: bool = False,
    key: Callable[[Sample], "SupportsRichComparison"] = sample_input_len,
) -> None
reverse bool

If Treu, sort in descending order. Defaults to False.

key Callable[[Sample], SupportsRichComparison]

a callable mapping each item to a numeric value (optional, defaults to sample_input_len).


Filter the dataset using a predicate.

def filter(
    self, predicate: Callable[[Sample], bool], name: str | None = None
) -> "Dataset"
predicate Callable[[Sample], bool]

Filtering function.

name str | None

Name for filtered dataset (optional).


Shuffle the order of the dataset (in place).

def shuffle(self, seed: int | None = None) -> None
seed int | None

Random seed for shuffling (optional).


Shuffle the order of the choices with each sample.

def shuffle_choices(self, seed: int | None = None) -> None
seed int | None

Random seed for shuffling (optional).


A Dataset stored in memory.

class MemoryDataset(Dataset)


name str | None

Dataset name.

location str | None

Dataset location.

shuffled bool

Was the dataset shuffled.



A dataset of samples held in an in-memory list.

Datasets provide sequential access (via conventional indexes or slicing) to a collection of Sample objects. The ListDataset is explicitly initialized with a list that is held in memory.

def __init__(
    samples: list[Sample],
    name: str | None = None,
    location: str | None = None,
    shuffled: bool = False,
) -> None
samples list[Sample]

The list of sample objects.

name str | None

Optional name for dataset.

location str | None

Optional location for dataset.

shuffled bool

Was the dataset shuffled after reading.