

There are several ways to extend Inspect to integrate with systems not directly supported by the core package. These include:

  1. Model APIs (model hosting services, local inference engines, etc.)

  2. Sandboxes (local or cloud container runtimes)

  3. Approvers (approve, modify, or reject tool calls)

  4. Storage Systems (for datasets, prompts, and evaluation logs)

For each of these, you can create an extension within a Python package, and then use it without any special registration with Inspect (this is done via setuptools entry points).

Model APIs

You can add a model provider by deriving a new class from ModelAPI and then creating a function decorated by @modelapi that returns the class. These are typically implemented in separate files (for reasons described below):

class CustomModelAPI(ModelAPI):
    def __init__(
        model_name: str,
        base_url: str | None = None,
        api_key: str | None = None,
        api_key_vars: list[str] = [],
        config: GenerateConfig = GenerateConfig(),
        **model_args: Any
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(model_name, base_url, api_key, api_key_vars, config)
    async def generate(
        input: list[ChatMessage],
        tools: list[ToolInfo],
        tool_choice: ToolChoice,
        config: GenerateConfig,
    ) -> ModelOutput:
def custom():
    from .custom import CustomModelAPI

    return CustomModelAPI

The layer of indirection (creating a function that returns a ModelAPI class) is done so that you can separate the registration of models from the importing of libraries they require (important for limiting dependencies). You can see this used within Inspect to make all model package dependencies optional here. With this scheme, pacakges required to interace with models (e.g. openai, anthropic, vllm, etc.) are only imported when their model API type is actually used.

The __init__() method must call the super().__init__() method, and typically instantiates the model client library.

The __init__() method receive a **model_args parameter that will carry any custom model_args (or -M and --model-config arguments from the CLI) specified by the user. You can then pass these on to the appropriate place in your model initialisation code (for example, here is what many of the built-in providers do with model_args passed to them: https://inspect.ai-safety-institute.org.uk/models.html#model-args).

The generate() method handles interacting with the model, converting inspect messages, tools, and config into model native data structures. Note that the generate method may optionally return a tuple[ModelOutput,ModelCall] in order to record the raw request and response to the model within the sample transcript.

In addition, there are some optional properties you can override to specify various behaviours and constraints (default max tokens and connections, identifying rate limit errors, whether to collapse consecutive user and/or assistant messages, etc.). See the ModelAPI source code for further documentation on these properties.

See the implementation of the built-in model providers for additional insight on building a custom provider.

Model Registration

If you are publishing a custom model API within a Python package, you should register an inspect_ai setuptools entry point. This will ensure that inspect loads your extension before it attempts to resolve a model name that uses your provider.

For example, if your package was named evaltools and your model provider was exported from a source file named _registry.py at the root of your package, you would register it like this in pyproject.toml:

evaltools = "evaltools._registry"
evaltools = "evaltools._registry"

Model Usage

Once you’ve created the class, decorated it with @modelapi as shown above, and registered it, then you can use it as follows:

inspect eval ctf.py --model custom/my-model

Where my-model is the name of some model supported by your provider (this will be passed to __init()__ in the model_name argument).

You can also reference it from within Python calls to get_model() or eval():

# get a model instance
model = get_model("custom/my-model")

# run an eval with the model
eval(math, model = "custom/my-model")


Sandbox Environments provide a mechanism for sandboxing execution of tool code as well as providing more sophisticated infrastructure (e.g. creating network hosts for a cybersecurity eval). Inspect comes with two sandbox environments built in:

Environment Type Description
local Run sandbox() methods in the same file system as the running evaluation (should only be used if you are already running your evaluation in another sandbox).
docker Run sandbox() methods within a Docker container

To create a custom sandbox environment, derive a class from SandboxEnvironment, implement the required static and instance methods, and add the @sandboxenv decorator to it.

The static class methods control the lifecycle of containers and other computing resources associated with the SandboxEnvironment:

class PodmanSandboxEnvironment(SandboxEnvironment):

    def config_files(cls) -> list[str]:

    async def task_init(
        cls, task_name: str, config: str | None
    ) -> None:

    async def sample_init(
        task_name: str, 
        config: str | None, 
        metadata: dict[str, str]
    ) -> dict[str, SandboxEnvironment]:

    async def sample_cleanup(
        task_name: str,
        config: str | None,
        environments: dict[str, SandboxEnvironment],
        interrupted: bool,
    ) -> None:

    async def task_cleanup(
        cls, task_name: str, config: str | None, cleanup: bool
    ) -> None:

    async def cli_cleanup(cls, id: str | None) -> None:

    # (instance methods shown below)
def podman():
    from .podman import PodmanSandboxEnvironment

    return PodmanSandboxEnvironment

The layer of indirection (creating a function that returns a SandboxEnvironment class) is done so that you can separate the registration of sandboxes from the importing of libraries they require (important for limiting dependencies).

The class methods take care of various stages of initialisation, setup, and teardown:

Method Lifecycle Purpose
config_files() Called once to determine the names of ‘default’ config files for this provider (e.g. ‘compose.yaml’).
task_init() Called once for each unique sandbox environment config before executing the tasks in an eval() run. Expensive initialisation operations (e.g. pulling or building images)
sample_init() Called at the beginning of each Sample. Create SandboxEnvironment instances for the sample.
sample_cleanup() Called at the end of each Sample Cleanup SandboxEnvironment instances for the sample.
task_cleanup() Called once for each unique sandbox environment config after executing the tasks in an eval() run. Last chance handler for any resources not yet cleaned up (see also discussion below).
cli_cleanup() Called via inspect sandbox cleanup CLI invoked manual cleanup of resources created by this SandboxEnvironment.

In the case of parallel execution of a group of tasks within the same working directory, the task_init() and task_cleanup() functions will be called once for each unique sandbox environment configuration (e.g. Docker Compose file). This is a performance optimisation derived from the fact that initialisation and cleanup are shared for tasks with identical configurations.

The “default” SandboxEnvironment i.e. that named “default” or marked as default in some other provider-specific way, must be the first key/value in the dictionary returned from sample_init().

The task_cleanup() has a number of important functions:

  1. There may be global resources that are not tied to samples that need to be cleaned up.
  2. It’s possible that sample_cleanup() will be interrupted (e.g. via a Ctrl+C) during execution. In that case its resources are still not cleaned up.
  3. The sample_cleanup() function might be long running, and in the case of error or interruption you want to provide explicit user feedback on the cleanup in the console (which isn’t possible when cleanup is run “inline” with samples). An interrupted flag is passed to sample_cleanup() which allows for varying behaviour for this scenario.
  4. Cleanup may be disabled (e.g. when the user passes --no-sandbox-cleanup) in which case it should print container IDs and instructions for cleaning up after the containers are no longer needed.

To implement task_cleanup() properly, you’ll likely need to track running environments using a per-coroutine ContextVar. The DockerSandboxEnvironment provides an example of this. Note that the cleanup argument passed to task_cleanup() indicates whether to actually clean up (it would be False if --no-sandbox-cleanup was passed to inspect eval). In this case you might want to print a list of the resources that were not cleaned up and provide directions on how to clean them up manually.

The cli_cleanup() function is a global cleanup handler that should be able to do the following:

  1. Cleanup all environments created by this provider (corresponds to e.g. inspect sandbox cleanup docker at the CLI).
  2. Cleanup a single environment created by this provider (corresponds to e.g. inspect sandbox cleanup docker <id> at the CLI).

The task_cleanup() function will typically print out the information required to invoke cli_cleanup() when it is invoked with cleanup = False. Try invoking the DockerSandboxEnvironment with --no-sandbox-cleanup to see an example.

The SandboxEnvironment instance methods provide access to process execution and file input/output within the environment.

class SandboxEnvironment:
    async def exec(
        cmd: list[str],
        input: str | bytes | None = None,
        cwd: str | None = None,
        env: dict[str, str] = {},
        user: str | None = None,
        timeout: int | None = None,
    ) -> ExecResult[str]:
          TimeoutError: If the specified `timeout` expires.
          UnicodeDecodeError: If an error occurs while
            decoding the command output.
          PermissionError: If the user does not have
            permission to execute the command.
          OutputLimitExceededError: If an output stream
            exceeds the 1 MiB limit.

    async def write_file(
        self, file: str, contents: str | bytes
    ) -> None:
          PermissionError: If the user does not have
            permission to write to the specified path.
          IsADirectoryError: If the file exists already and 
            is a directory.

    async def read_file(
        self, file: str, text: bool = True
    ) -> Union[str | bytes]:
          FileNotFoundError: If the file does not exist.
          UnicodeDecodeError: If an encoding error occurs 
            while reading the file.
            (only applicable when `text = True`)
          PermissionError: If the user does not have
            permission to read from the specified path.
          IsADirectoryError: If the file is a directory.
          OutputLimitExceededError: If the file size
            exceeds the 100 MiB limit.

Note that write_file() automatically creates parent directories as required if they don’t exist.

For each method there is a documented set of errors that are raised: these are expected errors and can either be caught by tools or allowed to propagate in which case they will be reported to the model for potential recovery. In addition, unexpected errors may occur (e.g. a networking error connecting to a remote container): these errors are not reported to the model and fail the Sample with an error state.

The best way to learn about writing sandbox environments is to look at the source code for the built in environments, LocalSandboxEnvironment and DockerSandboxEnvironment.

Environment Registration

You should build your custom sandbox environment within a Python package, and then register an inspect_ai setuptools entry point. This will ensure that inspect loads your extension before it attempts to resolve a sandbox environment that uses your provider.

For example, if your package was named inspect_package and your sandbox environment provider was exported from a source file named _registry.py at the root of your package, you would register it like this in pyproject.toml:

evaltools = "evaltools._registry"
evaltools = "evaltools._registry"

Environment Usage

Once the package is installed, you can refer to the custom sandbox environment the same way you’d refer to a built in sandbox environment. For example:


Sandbox environments can be invoked with an optional configuration parameter, which is passed as the config argument to the startup() and setup() methods. In Python this is done with a tuple



Approvers enable you to create fine-grained policies for approving tool calls made by models. For example, the following are all supported:

  1. All tool calls are approved by a human operator.
  2. Select tool calls are approved by a human operator (the rest being executed without approval).
  3. Custom approvers that decide to either approve, reject, or escalate to another approver.

Approvers can be implemented in Python packages and the referred to by package and name from approval policy config files. For example, here is a simple custom approver that just reflects back a decision passed to it at creation time:

def auto_approver(decision: ApprovalDecision = "approve") -> Approver:
    async def approve(
        message: str,
        call: ToolCall,
        view: ToolCallView,
        state: TaskState | None = None,
    ) -> Approval:
        return Approval(
            explanation="Automatic decision."

    return approve

Approver Registration

If you are publishing an approver within a Python package, you should register an inspect_ai setuptools entry point. This will ensure that inspect loads your extension before it attempts to resolve approvers by name.

For example, let’s say your package is named evaltools and has this structure:


The _registry.py file serves a place to import things that you wan’t registered with Inspect. For example:

from .approvers import auto_approver

You can then register your auto_approver Inspect extension (and anyting else imported into _registry.py) like this in pyproject.toml:

evaltools = "evaltools._registry"
evaltools = "evaltools._registry"

Once you’ve done this, you can refer to the approver within an approval policy config using its package qualified name. For example:

  - name: evaltools/auto_approver
    tools: "harmless*"
    decision: approve


Filesystems with fsspec

Datasets, prompt templates, and evaluation logs can be stored using either the local filesystem or a remote filesystem. Inspect uses the fsspec package to read and write files, which provides support for a wide variety of filesystems, including:

Support for Amazon S3 is built in to Inspect via the s3fs package. Other filesystems may require installation of additional packages. See the list of built in filesystems and other known implementations for all supported storage back ends.

See Custom Filesystems below for details on implementing your own fsspec compatible filesystem as a storage back-end.

Filesystem Functions

The following Inspect API functions use fsspec:

  • resource() for reading prompt templates and other supporting files.

  • csv_dataset() and json_dataset() for reading datasets (note that files referenced within samples can also use fsspec filesystem references).

  • list_eval_logs() , read_eval_log(), write_eval_log(), and retryable_eval_logs().

For example, to use S3 you would prefix your paths with s3://:

# read a prompt template from s3

# read a dataset from S3

# read eval logs from S3

Custom Filesystems

See the fsspec developer documentation for details on implementing a custom filesystem. Note that if your implementation is only for use with Inspect, you need to implement only the subset of the fsspec API used by Inspect. The properties and methods used by Inspect include:

  • sep
  • open()
  • makedirs()
  • info()
  • created()
  • exists()
  • ls()
  • walk()
  • unstrip_protocol()
  • invalidate_cache()

As with Model APIs and Sandbox Environments, fsspec filesystems should be registered using a setuptools entry point. For example, if your package is named evaltools and you have implemented a myfs:// filesystem using the MyFs class exported from the root of the package, you would register it like this in pyproject.toml:

myfs = "evaltools:MyFs"
myfs = "evaltools:MyFs"

Once this package is installed, you’ll be able to use myfs:// with Inspect without any further registration.