Errors and Limits
When developing more complex evaluations, its not uncommon to encounter error conditions during development—these might occur due to a bug in a solver or scorer, an unreliable or overloaded API, or a failure to communicate with a sandbox environment. It’s also possible to end up evals that don’t terminate properly because models continue running in a tool calling loop even though they are “stuck” and very unlikely to make additioanal progress.
This article covers various techniques for dealing with unexpected errors and setting limits on evaluation tasks and samples. Topics covered include:
- Retrying failed evaluations (while preserving the samples completed during the initial failed run).
- Establishing a threshold (count or percentage) of samples to tolerate errors for before failing an evaluation.
- Setting a maximum number of messages in a sample before forcing the model to give up.
Errors and Retries
When an evaluation task fails due to an error or is otherwise interrupted (e.g. by a Ctrl+C), an evaluation log is still written. In many cases errors are transient (e.g. due to network connectivity or a rate limit) and can be subsequently retried.
For these cases, Inspect includes an eval-retry
command and eval_retry() function that you can use to resume tasks interrupted by errors (including preserving samples already completed within the original task). For example, if you had a failing task with log file logs/2024-05-29T12-38-43_math_Gprr29Mv.json
, you could retry it from the shell with:
$ inspect eval-retry logs/2024-05-29T12-38-43_math_43_math_Gprr29Mv.json
Or from Python with:
"logs/2024-05-29T12-38-43_math_43_math_Gprr29Mv.json") eval_retry(
Note that retry only works for tasks that are created from @task
decorated functions (as if a Task is created dynamically outside of an @task
function Inspect does not know how to reconstruct it for the retry).
Note also that eval_retry() does not overwrite the previous log file, but rather creates a new one (preserving the task_id
from the original file).
Here’s an example of retrying a failed eval with a lower number of max_connections
(the theory being that too many concurrent connections may have caused a rate limit error):
= eval(my_task)[0]
log if log.status != "success":
= 3) eval_retry(log, max_connections
Failure Threshold
In some cases you might wish to tolerate some number of errors without failing the evaluation. This might be during development when errors are more commonplace, or could be to deal with a particularly unreliable API used in the evaluation. Add the fail_on_error
option to your Task definition to establish this threshold. For example, here we indicate that we’ll tolerate errors in up to 10% of the total sample count before failing:
def intercode_ctf():
return Task(
sandbox )
Failed samples are not scored and a warning indicating that some samples failed is both printed in the terminal and shown in Inspect View when this occurs.
You can specify fail_on_error
as a boolean (turning the behaviour on and off entirely), as a number between 0 and 1 (indicating a proportion of failures to tolerate), or a number greater than 1 to (indicating a count of failures to tolerate):
Value | Behaviour |
fail_on_error=True |
Fail eval immediately on sample errors (default). |
fail_on_error=False |
Never fail eval on sample errors. |
fail_on_error=0.1 |
Fail if more than 10% of total samples have errors. |
fail_on_error=5 |
Fail eval if more than 5 samples have errors. |
While fail_on_error
is typically specified at the Task level, you can also override the task setting when calling eval() or inspect eval
from the CLI. For example:
eval("", fail_on_error=False)
You might choose to do this if you want to tolerate a certain proportion of errors during development but want to ensure there are never errors when running in production.
Sample Limits
In open-ended model conversations (for example, an agent evaluation with tool usage) it’s possible that a model will get “stuck” attempting to perform a task with no realistic prospect of completing it. Further, sometimes models will call commands in a sandbox that take an extremely long time (or worst case, hang indefinitely).
For this type of evaluation it’s normally a good idea to set sample level limits on some combination of total time, total messages, and/or tokens used. Sample limits don’t result in errors, but rather an early exit from execution (samples that encounter limits are still scored, albeit nearly always as “incorrect”).
Time Limit
Here we set a time_limit
of 15 minutes (15 x 60 seconds) for each sample within a task:
def intercode_ctf():
return Task(
system_message(=3 * 60)]),
],=15 * 60,
sandbox )
Note that we also set a timeout of 3 minutes for the bash() command. This isn’t required but is often a good idea so that a single wayward bash command doesn’t consume the entire time_limit
We can also specify a time limit at the CLI or when calling eval():
inspect eval --time-limit 900
Appropriate timeouts will vary depending on the nature of your task so please view the above as examples only rather than recommend values.
Message Limit
Here we set a message_limit
of 30 for each sample within a task:
def intercode_ctf():
return Task(
sandbox )
This sets a limit of 30 total messages in a conversation before the model is forced to give up. At that point, whatever output
happens to be in the TaskState will be scored (presumably leading to a score of incorrect).
Note that its also possible for a solver to set the message_limit
directly on the TaskState (this is often done by agent solvers which provide their own generate loop):
def agent_loop(message_limit: int = 50):
async def solve(state: TaskState, generate: Generate):
# establish message limit so we have a termination condition
= message_limit
Message limits are checked whenever you call generate() on the main model being evaluated. The message_limit
is comparted to the number of messages passed in input
parameter to generate().
Token Limit
Here we set a token_limit
of 500K for each sample within a task:
def intercode_ctf():
return Task(
sandbox )
As with message_limit
, it’s also possible for a solver to set the token_limit
directly on the TaskState:
def agent_loop(token_limit: int = (1024 * 500)) -> Solver:
async def solve(state: TaskState, generate: Generate):
# establish token limit so we have a termination condition
= token_limit
It’s important to note that the token_limit
is for all tokens used within the execution of a sample. If you want to limit the number of tokens that can be yielded from a single call to the model you should use the max_tokens
generation option.
Custom Limit
When limits are exceeded, a SampleLimitExceededError
is raised and caught by the main Inspect sample execution logic. If you want to create custom limit types, you can enforce them by raising a SampleLimitExceededError
as follows:
from inspect_ai.solver import SampleLimitExceededError
raise SampleLimitExceededError(
limit=f"A custom limit was exceeded: {value}"
message )