Python API
inspect_ai | Tasks, evaluation, and scoring. |
inspect_ai.solver | Prompting, elicitation and agents. |
inspect_ai.tool | Built-in and custom tool functions. |
inspect_ai.scorer | Task scoring and metrics. |
inspect_ai.model | Model interface and providers. |
inspect_ai.dataset | Reading samples from datasets. |
inspect_ai.approval | Approvers and approval policies. |
inspect_ai.log | List, read, write, and analyse logs. |
inspect_ai.util | Miscellaneous utility functions. |
Inspect CLI
inspect eval | Evaluate one or more tasks. |
inspect eval-retry | Retry an evaluation task. |
inspect eval-set | Evaluate a set of tasks with retries. |
inspect score | Score a previous evaluation run. |
inspect view | Inspect log viewer |
inspect_log | Query, read, write, and convert logs. |
inspect trace | List and read execution traces. |
inspect sandbox | Manage sandbox environments. |
inspect cache | Manage the Inspect model cache. |
inspect list | List tasks on the filesystem. |
inspect info | Read version and configuration. |