


Generate output from the model and append it to task message history.

generate() is the default solver if none is specified for a given task.

def generate(
    tool_calls: Literal["loop", "single", "none"] = "loop",
    cache: bool | CachePolicy = False,
    **kwargs: Unpack[GenerateConfigArgs],
) -> Solver
tool_calls Literal['loop', 'single', 'none']

Resolve tool calls: - "loop" resolves tools calls and then invokes generate(), proceeding in a loop which terminates when there are no more tool calls or message_limit or token_limit is exceeded. This is the default behavior. - "single" resolves at most a single set of tool calls and then returns. - "none" does not resolve tool calls at all (in this case you will need to invoke call_tools() directly).

cache bool | CachePolicy

(bool | CachePolicy): Caching behaviour for generate responses (defaults to no caching).

**kwargs Unpack[GenerateConfigArgs]

Optional generation config arguments.


Inject tools into the task state to be used in generate().

def use_tools(
    *tools: Tool | list[Tool],
    tool_choice: ToolChoice | None = "auto",
    append: bool = False,
) -> Solver
*tools Tool | list[Tool]

One or more tools or lists of tools to make available to the model. If no tools are passed, then no change to the currently available set of tools is made.

tool_choice ToolChoice | None

Directive indicating which tools the model should use. If None is passed, then no change to tool_choice is made.

append bool

If True, then the passed-in tools are appended to the existing tools; otherwise any existing tools are replaced (the default)



Parameterized prompt template.

Prompt template containing a {prompt} placeholder and any number of additional params. All values contained in sample metadata and store are also automatically included in the params.

def prompt_template(template: str, **params: Any) -> Solver
template str

Template for prompt.

**params Any

Parameters to fill into the template.


Solver which inserts a system message into the conversation.

System message template containing any number of optional params. for substitution using the str.format() method. All values contained in sample metadata and store are also automatically included in the params.

The new message will go after other system messages (if there are none it will be inserted at the beginning of the conversation).

def system_message(template: str, **params: Any) -> Solver
template str

Template for system message.

**params Any

Parameters to fill into the template.


Solver which inserts a user message into the conversation.

User message template containing any number of optional params. for substitution using the str.format() method. All values contained in sample metadata and store are also automatically included in the params.

def user_message(template: str, **params: Any) -> Solver
template str

Template for user message.

**params Any

Parameters to fill into the template.


Solver which inserts an assistant message into the conversation.

Assistant message template containing any number of optional params. for substitution using the str.format() method. All values contained in sample metadata and store are also automatically included in the params.

def assistant_message(template: str, **params: Any) -> Solver
template str

Template for assistant message.

**params Any

Parameters to fill into the template.


Solver which modifies the user prompt to encourage chain of thought.

def chain_of_thought(template: str = DEFAULT_COT_TEMPLATE) -> Solver
template str

String or path to file containing CoT template. The template uses a single variable: prompt.


Solver which uses a model to critique the original answer.

The critique_template is used to generate a critique and the completion_template is used to play that critique back to the model for an improved response. Note that you can specify an alternate model for critique (you don’t need to use the model being evaluated).

def self_critique(
    critique_template: str | None = None,
    completion_template: str | None = None,
    model: str | Model | None = None,
) -> Solver
critique_template str | None

String or path to file containing critique template. The template uses two variables: question and completion. Variables from sample metadata are also available in the template.

completion_template str | None

String or path to file containing completion template. The template uses three variables: question, completion, and critique

model str | Model | None

Alternate model to be used for critique (by default the model being evaluated is used).


Multiple choice question solver. Formats a multiple choice question prompt, then calls generate().

Note that due to the way this solver works, it has some constraints:

  1. The Sample must have the choices attribute set.
  2. The only built-in compatible scorer is the choice scorer.
  3. It calls generate() internally, so you don’t need to call it again
def multiple_choice(
    template: str | None = None,
    cot: bool = False,
    multiple_correct: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Unpack[DeprecatedArgs],
) -> Solver
template str | None

Template to use for the multiple choice question. The defaults vary based on the options and are taken from the MultipleChoiceTemplate enum. The template will have questions and possible answers substituted into it before being sent to the model. Consequently it requires three specific template variables:

  • {question}: The question to be asked.
  • {choices}: The choices available, which will be formatted as a list of A) … B) … etc. before sending to the model.
  • {letters}: (optional) A string of letters representing the choices, e.g. “A,B,C”. Used to be explicit to the model about the possible answers.
cot bool

Default False. Whether the solver should perform chain-of-thought reasoning before answering. NOTE: this has no effect if you provide a custom template.

multiple_correct bool

Default False. Whether to allow multiple answers to the multiple choice question. For example, “What numbers are squares? A) 3, B) 4, C) 9” has multiple correct answers, B and C. Leave as False if there’s exactly one correct answer from the choices available. NOTE: this has no effect if you provide a custom template.

**kwargs Unpack[DeprecatedArgs]

Deprecated arguments for backward compatibility.



Basic ReAct agent.

Agent that runs a tool use loop until the model submits an answer using the submit() tool. Tailor the model’s instructions by passing a system_message() and/or other steps to init (if no init is specified then a default system message will be used). Use max_attempts to support additional submissions if the initial submission(s) are incorrect.

Submissions are evaluated using the task’s main scorer, with value of 1.0 indicating a correct answer. Scorer values are converted to float (e.g. “C” becomes 1.0) using the standard value_to_float() function. Provide an alternate conversion scheme as required via score_value.

def basic_agent(
    init: Solver | list[Solver] | None = None,
    tools: list[Tool] | Solver | None = None,
    cache: bool | CachePolicy = False,
    max_attempts: int = 1,
    message_limit: int | None = None,
    token_limit: int | None = None,
    max_tool_output: int | None = None,
    score_value: ValueToFloat | None = None,
    incorrect_message: str
    | Callable[
        [TaskState, list[Score]], str | Awaitable[str]
    continue_message: str = DEFAULT_CONTINUE_MESSAGE,
    submit_name: str = DEFAULT_SUBMIT_NAME,
    submit_description: str = DEFAULT_SUBMIT_DESCRIPTION,
    **kwargs: Unpack[BasicAgentDeprecatedArgs],
) -> Solver
init Solver | list[Solver] | None

Agent initialisation (defaults to system_message with basic ReAct prompt)

tools list[Tool] | Solver | None

Tools available for the agent. Either a list of tools or a Solver that can yield dynamic tools per-sample.

cache bool | CachePolicy

Caching behaviour for generate responses (defaults to no caching).

max_attempts int

Maximum number of submissions to accept before terminating.

message_limit int | None

Limit on messages in sample before terminating agent. If not specified, will use limit_messages defined for the task. If there is none defined for the task, 50 will be used as a default.

token_limit int | None

Limit on tokens used in sample before terminating agent.

max_tool_output int | None

Maximum output length (in bytes). Defaults to max_tool_output from active GenerateConfig.

score_value ValueToFloat | None

Function used to extract float from scores (defaults to standard value_to_float())

incorrect_message str | Callable[[TaskState, list[Score]], str | Awaitable[str]]

User message reply for an incorrect submission from the model. Alternatively, a function which returns a message (function may optionally be async)

continue_message str

User message to urge the model to continue when it doesn’t make a tool call.

submit_name str

Name for tool used to make submissions (defaults to ‘submit’)

submit_description str

Description of submit tool (defaults to ‘Submit an answer for evaluation’)

**kwargs Unpack[BasicAgentDeprecatedArgs]

Deprecated arguments for backward compatibility.


Human solver for agentic tasks that run in a Linux environment.

The Human agent solver installs agent task tools in the default sandbox and presents the user with both task instructions and documentation for the various tools (e.g. task submit, task start, task stop task instructions, etc.). A human agent panel is displayed with instructions for logging in to the sandbox.

If the user is running in VS Code with the Inspect extension, they will also be presented with links to login to the sandbox using a VS Code Window or Terminal.

def human_agent(
    answer: bool | str = True,
    intermediate_scoring: bool = False,
    record_session: bool = True,
) -> Solver
answer bool | str

Is an explicit answer required for this task or is it scored based on files in the container? Pass a str with a regex to validate that the answer matches the expected format.

intermediate_scoring bool

Allow the human agent to check their score while working.

record_session bool

Record all user commands and outputs in the sandbox bash session.


Bridge an external agent into an Inspect Solver.

See documentation at

def bridge(agent: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], Awaitable[dict[str, Any]]]) -> Solver
agent Callable[[dict[str, Any]], Awaitable[dict[str, Any]]]

Callable which takes a sample dict and returns a result dict.



Compose a solver from multiple other solvers.

Solvers are executed in turn, and a solver step event is added to the transcript for each. If a solver returns a state with completed=True, the chain is terminated early.

def chain(*solvers: Solver | list[Solver]) -> Solver
*solvers Solver | list[Solver]

One or more solvers or lists of solvers to chain together.


Fork the TaskState and evaluate it against multiple solvers in parallel.

Run several solvers against independent copies of a TaskState. Each Solver gets its own copy of the TaskState and is run (in parallel) in an independent Subtask (meaning that is also has its own independent Store that doesn’t affect the Store of other subtasks or the parent).

async def fork(
    state: TaskState, solvers: Solver | list[Solver]
) -> TaskState | list[TaskState]
state TaskState

Beginning TaskState

solvers Solver | list[Solver]

Solvers to apply on the TaskState. Each Solver will get a standalone copy of the TaskState.



Contribute to solving an evaluation task.

Transform a TaskState, returning the new state. Solvers may optionally call the generate() function to create a new state resulting from model generation. Solvers may also do prompt engineering or other types of elicitation.

class Solver(Protocol):
    async def __call__(
        state: TaskState,
        generate: Generate,
    ) -> TaskState
state TaskState

State for tasks being evaluated.

generate Generate

Function for generating outputs.


def prompt_cot(template: str) -> Solver:
    def solve(state: TaskState, generate: Generate) -> TaskState:
        # insert chain of thought prompt
        return state

    return solve


Solver specification used to (re-)create solvers.

class SolverSpec


solver str

Solver name (simple name or ).

args dict[str, Any]

Solver arguments.


The TaskState represents the internal state of the Task being run for a single Sample.

The TaskState is passed to and returned from each solver during a sample’s evaluation. It allows us to manipulated the message history, the tools available to the model, the final output of the model, and whether the task is completed or has hit a limit.

class TaskState


model ModelName

Name of model being evaluated.

sample_id int | str

Unique id for sample.

epoch int

Epoch number for sample.

input str | list[ChatMessage]

Input from the Sample, should be considered immutable.

input_text str

Convenience function for accessing the initial input from the Sample as a string.

If the input is a list[ChatMessage], this will return the text from the first chat message

user_prompt ChatMessageUser

User prompt for this state.

Tasks are very general and can have may types of inputs. However, in many cases solvers assume they can interact with the state as a “chat” in a predictable fashion (e.g. prompt engineering solvers). This property enables easy read and write access to the user chat prompt. Raises an exception if there is no user prompt

metadata dict[str, Any]

Metadata from the Sample for this TaskState

messages list[ChatMessage]

Chat conversation history for sample.

This will generally get appended to every time a generate call is made to the model. Useful for both debug and for solvers/scorers to assess model performance or choose the next step.

output ModelOutput

The ‘final’ model output once we’ve completed all solving.

For simple evals this may just be the last message from the conversation history, but more complex solvers may set this directly.

store Store

Store for shared data

tools list[Tool]

Tools available to the model.

tool_choice ToolChoice | None

Tool choice directive.

message_limit int | None

Limit on total messages allowed per conversation.

token_limit int | None

Limit on total tokens allowed per conversation.

token_usage int

Total tokens used for the current sample.

completed bool

Is the task completed.

Additionally, checks message and token limits and raises if they are exceeded.

target Target

The scoring target for this Sample.

scores dict[str, Score] | None

Scores yielded by running task.



Pydantic model interface to metadata.

def metadata_as(self, metadata_cls: Type[MT]) -> MT
metadata_cls Type[MT]

Pydantic model type


Pydantic model interface to the store.

def store_as(self, model_cls: Type[SMT]) -> SMT
model_cls Type[SMT]

Pydantic model type (must derive from StoreModel)


Generate using the model and add the assistant message to the task state.

class Generate(Protocol):
    async def __call__(
        state: TaskState,
        tool_calls: Literal["loop", "single", "none"] = "loop",
        cache: bool | CachePolicy = False,
        **kwargs: Unpack[GenerateConfigArgs],
    ) -> TaskState
state TaskState

Beginning task state.

tool_calls Literal['loop', 'single', 'none']
  • "loop" resolves tools calls and then invokes generate(), proceeding in a loop which terminates when there are no more tool calls, or message_limit or token_limit is exceeded. This is the default behavior.
  • "single" resolves at most a single set of tool calls and then returns.
  • "none" does not resolve tool calls at all (in this case you will need to invoke call_tools() directly).
cache bool | CachePolicy

Caching behaviour for generate responses (defaults to no caching).

**kwargs Unpack[GenerateConfigArgs]

Optional generation config arguments.



Decorator for registering solvers.

def solver(
    name: str | Callable[P, Solver],
) -> Callable[[Callable[P, Solver]], Callable[P, Solver]] | Callable[P, Solver]
name str | Callable[P, Solver]

Optional name for solver. If the decorator has no name argument then the name of the underlying Callable[P, Solver] object will be used to automatically assign a name.


def prompt_cot(template: str) -> Solver:
    def solve(state: TaskState, generate: Generate) -> TaskState:
        # insert chain of thought prompt
        return state

    return solve