


Bash shell command execution tool.

Execute bash shell commands using a sandbox environment (e.g. “docker”).

@tool(viewer=code_viewer("bash", "cmd"))
def bash(
    timeout: int | None = None, user: str | None = None, sandbox: str | None = None
) -> Tool
timeout int | None

Timeout (in seconds) for command.

user str | None

User to execute commands as.

sandbox str | None

Optional sandbox environmnent name.


Python code execution tool.

Execute Python code using a sandbox environment (e.g. “docker”).

@tool(viewer=code_viewer("python", "code"))
def python(
    timeout: int | None = None, user: str | None = None, sandbox: str | None = None
) -> Tool
timeout int | None

Timeout (in seconds) for command.

user str | None

User to execute commands as.

sandbox str | None

Optional sandbox environmnent name.


Tools used for web browser navigation.

See documentation at

def web_browser(interactive: bool = True) -> list[Tool]
interactive bool

Provide interactive tools (enable clicking, typing, and submitting forms). Defaults to True.


Desktop computer tool.

See documentation at

def computer(max_screenshots: int | None = 1, timeout: int | None = 180) -> Tool
max_screenshots int | None

The maximum number of screenshots to play back to the model as input. Defaults to 1 (set to None to have no limit).

timeout int | None

Timeout in seconds for computer tool actions. Defaults to 180 (set to None for no timeout).



Tool with modifications to name and descriptions.

def tool_with(
    tool: Tool,
    name: str | None = None,
    description: str | None = None,
    parameters: dict[str, str] | None = None,
    parallel: bool | None = None,
    viewer: ToolCallViewer | None = None,
    model_input: ToolCallModelInput | None = None,
) -> Tool
tool Tool

Tool instance to copy and add descriptions to.

name str | None

Tool name (optional).

description str | None

Tool description (optional).

parameters dict[str, str] | None

Parameter descriptions (optional)

parallel bool | None

Does the tool support parallel execution (defaults to True if not specified)

viewer ToolCallViewer | None

Optional tool call viewer implementation.

model_input ToolCallModelInput | None

Optional function that determines how tool call results are played back as model input.


Tool definition.

class ToolDef


tool Callable[..., Any]

Callable to execute tool.

name str

Tool name.

description str

Tool description.

parameters ToolParams

Tool parameter descriptions.

parallel bool

Supports parallel execution.

viewer ToolCallViewer | None

Custom viewer for tool call

model_input ToolCallModelInput | None

Custom model input presenter for tool calls.



Create a tool definition.

def __init__(
    tool: Callable[..., Any],
    name: str | None = None,
    description: str | None = None,
    parameters: dict[str, str] | ToolParams | None = None,
    parallel: bool | None = None,
    viewer: ToolCallViewer | None = None,
    model_input: ToolCallModelInput | None = None,
) -> None
tool Callable[..., Any]

Callable to execute tool.

name str | None

Name of tool. Discovered automatically if not specified.

description str | None

Description of tool. Discovered automatically by parsing doc comments if not specified.

parameters dict[str, str] | ToolParams | None

Tool parameter descriptions and types. Discovered automatically by parsing doc comments if not specified.

parallel bool | None

Does the tool support parallel execution (defaults to True if not specified)

viewer ToolCallViewer | None

Optional tool call viewer implementation.

model_input ToolCallModelInput | None

Optional function that determines how tool call results are played back as model input.


Convert a ToolDef to a Tool.

def as_tool(self) -> Tool



Additional tool that an agent can use to solve a task.

class Tool(Protocol):
    async def __call__(
        *args: Any,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> ToolResult
*args Any

Arguments for the tool.

**kwargs Any

Keyword arguments for the tool.


def add() -> Tool:
    async def execute(x: int, y: int) -> int:
        return x + y

    return execute


Valid types for results from tool calls.

ToolResult = (
    | int
    | float
    | bool
    | ContentText
    | ContentImage
    | ContentAudio
    | ContentVideo
    | list[ContentText | ContentImage | ContentAudio | ContentVideo]


Exception thrown from tool call.

If you throw a ToolError form within a tool call, the error will be reported to the model for further processing (rather than ending the sample). If you want to raise a fatal error from a tool call use an appropriate standard exception type (e.g. RuntimeError, ValueError, etc.)

class ToolError(Exception)



Create a ToolError.

def __init__(self, message: str) -> None
message str

Error message to report to the model.


Error raised by a tool call.

class ToolCallError


type Literal['parsing', 'timeout', 'unicode_decode', 'permission', 'file_not_found', 'is_a_directory', 'output_limit', 'approval', 'unknown']

Error type.

message str

Error message.


Specify which tool to call.

“auto” means the model decides; “any” means use at least one tool, “none” means never call a tool; ToolFunction instructs the model to call a specific function.

ToolChoice = Union[Literal["auto", "any", "none"], ToolFunction]


Indicate that a specific tool function should be called.

class ToolFunction


name str

The name of the tool function to call.


Specification of a tool (JSON Schema compatible)

If you are implementing a ModelAPI, most LLM libraries can be passed this object (dumped to a dict) directly as a function specification. For example, in the OpenAI provider:


In some cases the field names don’t match up exactly. In that case call model_dump() on the parameters field. For example, in the Anthropic provider:

class ToolInfo(BaseModel)


name str

Name of tool.

description str

Short description of tool.

parameters ToolParams

JSON Schema of tool parameters object.


Description of tool parameters object in JSON Schema format.

class ToolParams(BaseModel)


type Literal['object']

Params type (always ‘object’)

properties dict[str, ToolParam]

Tool function parameters.

required list[str]

List of required fields.

additionalProperties bool

Are additional object properties allowed? (always False)


Description of tool parameter in JSON Schema format.

class ToolParam(BaseModel)


type JSONType | None

JSON type of tool parameter.

description str | None

Parameter description.

default Any

Default value for parameter.

enum list[Any] | None

Valid values for enum parameters.

items Optional[ToolParam]

Valid type for array parameters.

properties dict[str, ToolParam] | None

Valid fields for object parametrs.

additionalProperties Optional[ToolParam] | bool | None

Are additional properties allowed?

anyOf list[ToolParam] | None

Valid types for union parameters.

required list[str] | None

Required fields for object parameters.


Validate types within JSON schema.

JSONType = Literal["string", "integer", "number", "boolean", "array", "object", "null"]



Decorator for registering tools.

def tool(
    func: Callable[P, Tool] | None = None,
    name: str | None = None,
    viewer: ToolCallViewer | None = None,
    model_input: ToolCallModelInput | None = None,
    parallel: bool = True,
    prompt: str | None = None,
) -> Callable[P, Tool] | Callable[[Callable[P, Tool]], Callable[P, Tool]]
func Callable[P, Tool] | None

Tool function

name str | None

Optional name for tool. If the decorator has no name argument then the name of the tool creation function will be used as the name of the tool.

viewer ToolCallViewer | None

Provide a custom view of tool call and context.

model_input ToolCallModelInput | None

Provide a custom function for playing back tool results as model input.

parallel bool

Does this tool support parallel execution? (defaults to True).

prompt str | None

Deprecated (provide all descriptive information about the tool within the tool function’s doc comment)


def add() -> Tool:
    async def execute(x: int, y: int) -> int:
        return x + y

    return execute