inspect log

Query, read, and convert logs.

Inspect supports two log formats: ‘eval’ which is a compact, high performance binary format and ‘json’ which represents logs as JSON.

The default format is ‘eval’. You can change this by setting the INSPECT_LOG_FORMAT environment variable or using the –log-format command line option.

The ‘log’ commands enable you to read Inspect logs uniformly as JSON no matter their physical storage format, and also enable you to read only the headers (everything but the samples) from log files, which is useful for very large logs.

Learn more about managing log files at


inspect log [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


list List all logs in the log directory.
dump Print log file contents as JSON.
convert Convert between log file formats.
schema Print JSON schema for log files.

inspect log list

List all logs in the log directory.


inspect log list [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--status choice (started | success | cancelled | error) List only log files with the indicated status. None
--absolute boolean List absolute paths to log files (defaults to relative to the cwd). False
--json boolean Output listing as JSON False
--no-recursive boolean List log files recursively (defaults to True). False
--log-level choice (debug | trace | http | info | warning | error | critical) Set the log level (defaults to ‘warning’) warning
--log-dir text Directory for log files. ./logs
--display choice (full | conversation | rich | plain | none) Set the display type (defaults to ‘full’) full
--debug boolean Wait to attach debugger False
--debug-port integer Port number for debugger 5678
--debug-errors boolean Raise task errors (rather than logging them) so they can be debugged. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

inspect log dump

Print log file contents as JSON.


inspect log dump [OPTIONS] PATH


Name Type Description Default
--header-only boolean Read and print only the header of the log file (i.e. no samples). False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

inspect log convert

Convert between log file formats.


inspect log convert [OPTIONS] PATH


Name Type Description Default
--to choice (eval | json) Target format to convert to. _required
--output-dir text Directory to write converted log files to. _required
--overwrite boolean Overwrite files in the output directory. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False

inspect log schema

Print JSON schema for log files.


inspect log schema [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False