inspect score
Score a previous evaluation run.
inspect score [OPTIONS] LOG_FILE
Name | Type | Description | Default |
--scorer |
text | Scorer to use for scoring | None |
-S |
text | One or more scorer arguments (e.g. -S arg=value) | None |
--action |
choice (append | overwrite ) |
Whether to append or overwrite the existing scores. | None |
--overwrite |
boolean | Overwrite log file with the scored version | False |
--log-level |
choice (debug | trace | http | info | warning | error | critical ) |
Set the log level (defaults to ‘warning’) | warning |
--log-dir |
text | Directory for log files. | ./logs |
--display |
choice (full | conversation | rich | plain | none ) |
Set the display type (defaults to ‘full’) | full |
--debug |
boolean | Wait to attach debugger | False |
--debug-port |
integer | Port number for debugger | 5678 |
--debug-errors |
boolean | Raise task errors (rather than logging them) so they can be debugged. | False |
--help |
boolean | Show this message and exit. | False |