inspect eval-retry

Retry failed evaluation(s)


inspect eval_retry [OPTIONS] LOG_FILES...


Name Type Description Default
--max-samples integer Maximum number of samples to run in parallel (default is running all samples in parallel) None
--max-tasks integer Maximum number of tasks to run in parallel (default is 1) None
--max-subprocesses integer Maximum number of subprocesses to run in parallel (default is os.cpu_count()) None
--max-sandboxes integer Maximum number of sandboxes (per-provider) to run in parallel. None
--no-sandbox-cleanup boolean Do not cleanup sandbox environments after task completes False
--fail-on-error float Threshold of sample errors to tolerage (by default, evals fail when any error occurs). Value between 0 to 1 to set a proportion; value greater than 1 to set a count. None
--no-fail-on-error boolean Do not fail the eval if errors occur within samples (instead, continue running other samples) False
--no-log-samples boolean Do not include samples in the log file. False
--log-images / --no-log-images boolean Include base64 encoded versions of filename or URL based images in the log file. True
--log-buffer integer Number of samples to buffer before writing log file. If not specified, an appropriate default for the format and filesystem is chosen (10 for most all cases, 100 for JSON logs on remote filesystems). None
--no-score boolean Do not score model output (use the inspect score command to score output later) False
--no-score-display boolean Do not score model output (use the inspect score command to score output later) False
--max-connections integer Maximum number of concurrent connections to Model API (defaults to 10) None
--max-retries integer Maximum number of times to retry request (defaults to 5) None
--timeout integer Request timeout (in seconds). None
--log-level-transcript choice (debug | trace | http | info | warning | error | critical) Set the log level of the transcript (defaults to ‘info’) info
--log-level choice (debug | trace | http | info | warning | error | critical) Set the log level (defaults to ‘warning’) warning
--log-dir text Directory for log files. ./logs
--display choice (full | conversation | rich | plain | none) Set the display type (defaults to ‘full’) full
--debug boolean Wait to attach debugger False
--debug-port integer Port number for debugger 5678
--debug-errors boolean Raise task errors (rather than logging them) so they can be debugged. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False