


Scorer which matches text or a number.

@scorer(metrics=[accuracy(), stderr()])
def match(
    location: Literal["begin", "end", "any", "exact"] = "end",
    ignore_case: bool = True,
    numeric: bool = False,
) -> Scorer
location Literal['begin', 'end', 'any', 'exact']

Location to match at. “any” matches anywhere in the output; “exact” requires the output be exactly equal to the target (module whitespace, etc.)

ignore_case bool

Do case insensitive comparison.

numeric bool

Is this a numeric match? (in this case different punctuation removal rules are used and numbers are normalized before comparison).


Check whether the specified text is included in the model output.

@scorer(metrics=[accuracy(), stderr()])
def includes(ignore_case: bool = True) -> Scorer
ignore_case bool

Use a case insensitive comparison.


Scorer which extracts the model answer using a regex.

Note that at least one regex group is required to match against the target.

The regex can have a single capture group or multiple groups. In the case of multiple groups, the scorer can be configured to match either one or all of the extracted groups

@scorer(metrics=[accuracy(), stderr()])
def pattern(pattern: str, ignore_case: bool = True, match_all: bool = False) -> Scorer
pattern str

Regular expression for extracting the answer from model output.

ignore_case bool

Ignore case when comparing the extract answer to the targets. (Default: True)

match_all bool

With multiple captures, do all captured values need to match the target? (Default: False)


Scorer for model output that preceded answers with ANSWER:.

Some solvers including multiple_choice solicit answers from the model prefaced with “ANSWER:”. This scorer extracts answers of this form for comparison with the target.

Note that you must specify a type for the answer scorer.

@scorer(metrics=[accuracy(), stderr()])
def answer(pattern: Literal["letter", "word", "line"]) -> Scorer
pattern Literal['letter', 'word', 'line']

Type of answer to extract. “letter” is used with multiple choice and extracts a single letter; “word” will extract the next word (often used for yes/no answers); “line” will take the rest of the line (used for more more complex answers that may have embedded spaces). Note that when using “line” your prompt should instruct the model to answer with a separate line at the end.


Scorer for multiple choice answers, required by the multiple_choice solver.

This assumes that the model was called using a template ordered with letters corresponding to the answers, so something like:

What is the capital of France?

A) Paris
B) Berlin
C) London

The target for the dataset will then have a letter corresponding to the correct answer, e.g. the Target would be "A" for the above question. If multiple choices are correct, the Target can be an array of these letters.

@scorer(metrics=[accuracy(), stderr()])
def choice() -> Scorer


Scorer which produces an F1 score

Computes the F1 score for the answer (which balances recall precision by taking the harmonic mean between recall and precision).

@scorer(metrics=[mean(), stderr()])
def f1(
    answer_fn: Callable[[str], str] | None = None, stop_words: list[str] | None = None
) -> Scorer
answer_fn Callable[[str], str] | None

Custom function to extract the answer from the completion (defaults to using the completion).

stop_words list[str] | None

Stop words to include in answer tokenization.


Scorer which produces an exact match score

Normalizes the text of the answer and target(s) and performs an exact matching comparison of the text. This scorer will return CORRECT when the answer is an exact match to one or more targets.

@scorer(metrics=[mean(), stderr()])
def exact() -> Scorer


Score a question/answer task using a model.

@scorer(metrics=[accuracy(), stderr()])
def model_graded_qa(
    template: str | None = None,
    instructions: str | None = None,
    grade_pattern: str | None = None,
    include_history: bool | Callable[[TaskState], str] = False,
    partial_credit: bool = False,
    model: list[str | Model] | str | Model | None = None,
) -> Scorer
template str | None

Template for grading prompt. This template has four variables: - question, criterion, answer, and instructions (which is fed from the instructions parameter). Variables from sample metadata are also available in the template.

instructions str | None

Grading instructions. This should include a prompt for the model to answer (e.g. with with chain of thought reasoning) in a way that matches the specified grade_pattern, for example, the default grade_pattern looks for one of GRADE: C, GRADE: P, or GRADE: I.

grade_pattern str | None

Regex to extract the grade from the model response. Defaults to looking for e.g. GRADE: C The regex should have a single capture group that extracts exactly the letter C, P, I.

include_history bool | Callable[[TaskState], str]

Whether to include the full chat history in the presented question. Defaults to False, which presents only the original sample input. Optionally provide a function to customise how the chat history is presented.

partial_credit bool

Whether to allow for “partial” credit for answers (by default assigned a score of 0.5). Defaults to False. Note that this parameter is only used with the default instructions (as custom instructions provide their own prompts for grades).

model list[str | Model] | str | Model | None

Model or Models to use for grading. If multiple models are passed, a majority vote of their grade will be returned. By default the model being evaluated is used.


Score a question/answer task with a fact response using a model.

@scorer(metrics=[accuracy(), stderr()])
def model_graded_fact(
    template: str | None = None,
    instructions: str | None = None,
    grade_pattern: str | None = None,
    include_history: bool | Callable[[TaskState], str] = False,
    partial_credit: bool = False,
    model: list[str | Model] | str | Model | None = None,
) -> Scorer
template str | None

Template for grading prompt. This template uses four variables: question, criterion, answer, and instructions (which is fed from the instructions parameter). Variables from sample metadata are also available in the template.

instructions str | None

Grading instructions. This should include a prompt for the model to answer (e.g. with with chain of thought reasoning) in a way that matches the specified grade_pattern, for example, the default grade_pattern looks for one of GRADE: C, GRADE: P, or GRADE: I).

grade_pattern str | None

Regex to extract the grade from the model response. Defaults to looking for e.g. GRADE: C The regex should have a single capture group that extracts exactly the letter C, P, or I.

include_history bool | Callable[[TaskState], str]

Whether to include the full chat history in the presented question. Defaults to False, which presents only the original sample input. Optionally provide a function to customise how the chat history is presented.

partial_credit bool

Whether to allow for “partial” credit for answers (by default assigned a score of 0.5). Defaults to False. Note that this parameter is only used with the default instructions (as custom instructions provide their own prompts for grades).

model list[str | Model] | str | Model | None

Model or Models to use for grading. If multiple models are passed, a majority vote of their grade will be returned. By default the model being evaluated is used.


Returns a Scorer that runs multiple Scorers in parallel and aggregates their results into a single Score using the provided reducer function.

def multi_scorer(scorers: list[Scorer], reducer: str | ScoreReducer) -> Scorer
scorers list[Scorer]

a list of Scorers.

reducer str | ScoreReducer

a function which takes in a list of Scores and returns a single Score.



Compute proportion of total answers which are correct.

def accuracy(to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()) -> Metric
to_float ValueToFloat

Function for mapping Value to float for computing metrics. The default value_to_float() maps CORRECT (“C”) to 1.0, INCORRECT (“I”) to 0, PARTIAL (“P”) to 0.5, and NOANSWER (“N”) to 0, casts numeric values to float directly, and prints a warning and returns 0 if the Value is a complex object (list or dict).


Compute mean of all scores.

def mean() -> Metric


Calculates the sample standard deviation of a list of scores.

def std(to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()) -> Metric
to_float ValueToFloat

Function for mapping Value to float for computing metrics. The default value_to_float() maps CORRECT (“C”) to 1.0, INCORRECT (“I”) to 0, PARTIAL (“P”) to 0.5, and NOANSWER (“N”) to 0, casts numeric values to float directly, and prints a warning and returns 0 if the Value is a complex object (list or dict).


Standard error of the mean using Central Limit Theorem.

def stderr(
    to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float(), cluster: str | None = None
) -> Metric
to_float ValueToFloat

Function for mapping Value to float for computing metrics. The default value_to_float() maps CORRECT (“C”) to 1.0, INCORRECT (“I”) to 0, PARTIAL (“P”) to 0.5, and NOANSWER (“N”) to 0, casts numeric values to float directly, and prints a warning and returns 0 if the Value is a complex object (list or dict).

cluster str | None

The key from the Sample metadata corresponding to a cluster identifier for computing clustered standard errors.


Standard error of the mean using bootstrap.

def bootstrap_stderr(
    num_samples: int = 1000, to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()
) -> Metric
num_samples int

Number of bootstrap samples to take.

to_float ValueToFloat

Function for mapping Value to float for computing metrics. The default value_to_float() maps CORRECT (“C”) to 1.0, INCORRECT (“I”) to 0, PARTIAL (“P”) to 0.5, and NOANSWER (“N”) to 0, casts numeric values to float directly, and prints a warning and returns 0 if the Value is a complex object (list or dict).



Score correct if there are at least k score values greater than or equal to the value.

def at_least(
    k: int, value: float = 1.0, value_to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()
) -> ScoreReducer
k int

Number of score values that must exceed value.

value float

Score value threshold.

value_to_float ValueToFloat

Function to convert score values to float.


Probability of at least 1 correct sample given k epochs (

def pass_at(
    k: int, value: float = 1.0, value_to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()
) -> ScoreReducer
k int

Epochs to compute probability for.

value float

Score value threshold.

value_to_float ValueToFloat

Function to convert score values to float.


Take the maximum value from a list of scores.

def max_score(value_to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()) -> ScoreReducer
value_to_float ValueToFloat

Function to convert the value to a float


Take the mean of a list of scores.

def mean_score(value_to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()) -> ScoreReducer
value_to_float ValueToFloat

Function to convert the value to a float


Take the median value from a list of scores.

def median_score(value_to_float: ValueToFloat = value_to_float()) -> ScoreReducer
value_to_float ValueToFloat

Function to convert the value to a float


Take the mode from a list of scores.

def mode_score() -> ScoreReducer



Score model outputs.

Evaluate the passed outputs and targets and return a dictionary with scoring outcomes and context.

class Scorer(Protocol):
    async def __call__(
        state: TaskState,
        target: Target,
    ) -> Score
state TaskState

Task state

target Target

Ideal target for the output.


def custom_scorer() -> Scorer:
    async def score(state: TaskState, target: Target) -> Score:
        # Compare state / model output with target
        # to yield a score
        return Score(value=...)

    return score


Target for scoring against the current TaskState.

Target is a sequence of one or more strings. Use the text property to access the value as a single string.

class Target(Sequence[str])


Score generated by a scorer.

class Score(BaseModel)


value Value

Score value.

answer str | None

Answer extracted from model output (optional)

explanation str | None

Explanation of score (optional).

metadata dict[str, Any] | None

Additional metadata related to the score

text str

Read the score as text.



Read the score as a string.

def as_str(self) -> str

Read the score as an integer.

def as_int(self) -> int

Read the score as a float.

def as_float(self) -> float

Read the score as a boolean.

def as_bool(self) -> bool

Read the score as a list.

def as_list(self) -> list[str | int | float | bool]

Read the score as a dictionary.

def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, str | int | float | bool | None]


Value provided by a score.

Use the methods of Score to easily treat the Value as a simple scalar of various types.

Value = Union[
    str | int | float | bool,
    list[str | int | float | bool],
    dict[str, str | int | float | bool | None],


Reduce a set of scores to a single score.

class ScoreReducer(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, scores: list[Score]) -> Score
scores list[Score]

List of scores.


Metric protocol.

The Metric signature changed in release v0.3.64. Both the previous and new signatures are supported – you should use MetricProtocol for new code as the depreacated signature will eventually be removed.

Metric = MetricProtocol | MetricDeprecated


Compute a metric on a list of scores.

class MetricProtocol(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, scores: list[SampleScore]) -> Value
scores list[SampleScore]

List of scores.


def mean() -> Metric:
    def metric(scores: list[SampleScore]) -> Value:
        return np.mean([score.score.as_float() for score in scores]).item()
    return metric


Score for a Sample.

class SampleScore(BaseModel)


score Score

A score

sample_id str | int | None

A sample id

sample_metadata dict[str, Any] | None

Metadata from the sample

scorer str | None

Registry name of scorer that created this score.



Decorator for registering scorers.

def scorer(
    metrics: list[Metric | dict[str, list[Metric]]] | dict[str, list[Metric]],
    name: str | None = None,
    **metadata: Any,
) -> Callable[[Callable[P, Scorer]], Callable[P, Scorer]]
metrics list[Metric | dict[str, list[Metric]]] | dict[str, list[Metric]]

One or more metrics to calculate over the scores.

name str | None

Optional name for scorer. If the decorator has no name argument then the name of the underlying ScorerType object will be used to automatically assign a name.

**metadata Any

Additional values to serialize in metadata.


def custom_scorer() -> Scorer:
    async def score(state: TaskState, target: Target) -> Score:
        # Compare state / model output with target
        # to yield a score
        return Score(value=...)

    return score


Decorator for registering metrics.

def metric(
    name: str | Callable[P, Metric],
) -> Callable[[Callable[P, Metric]], Callable[P, Metric]] | Callable[P, Metric]
name str | Callable[P, Metric]

Optional name for metric. If the decorator has no name argument then the name of the underlying MetricType will be used to automatically assign a name.


```python @metric def mean() -> Metric: def metric(scores: list[SampleScore]) -> Value: return np.mean([score.score.as_float() for score in scores]).item() return metric


Decorator for registering Score Reducers.

def score_reducer(
    func: ScoreReducerType | None = None, *, name: str | None = None
) -> Callable[[ScoreReducerType], ScoreReducerType] | ScoreReducerType
func ScoreReducerType | None

Function returning ScoreReducer targeted by plain task decorator without attributes (e.g. @score_reducer)

name str | None

Optional name for reducer. If the decorator has no name argument then the name of the function will be used to automatically assign a name.